How to Install a Car Seat | Baton Rouge, LA

October 19th, 2022 by

Do you and your family plan on attending sporting games or holiday events this fall season? Price LeBlanc Toyota in Baton Rouge, LA is here to teach you how to properly install a car seat to keep your child 100% safe.

Find a position in your Toyota that the car seat fits best

Every vehicle is different, so if you see a car seat one way in, for example, a friend’s car, it may be different in your vehicle. Make sure your car seat is securely positioned before moving forward in the installation process.

There are different ways to secure the car seat

When looking at your car seat, you’ll find a belt path. One way to secure the seat is to bring the seatbelt for that seat through the car seat, and there should be directions on the car seat to let you know which is the correct belt path. Be sure to use the top tether if your car seat is facing forward.

You also have the option of using the lower anchors/tethers. With this option, you’ll find the car seat’s lower attachments and connect them to the vehicle’s lower anchor bars.

Test the car seat out before getting on the road

Make sure the car seat doesn’t move more than an inch front/back or side-to-side when correctly secured. If it doesn’t move more than that, you are good to go! We recommend you use the top tether to secure the seat because this allows for the seat to be extra snug in the car.

If you follow the steps above for securing your child’s car seat, you are set for success and can be worry-free while on the road! Be sure to share our tips with your friends and family so they can have a detailed idea of how to properly install a car seat.

Posted in News, People